Sexual Assault/Harassment (第九条)



Contact 凯茜米切尔 or use 这个链接 举报任何性侵犯,跟踪,家庭暴力或约会暴力,或者 基于性别或性别歧视/骚扰任何人(你不是) required to provide your name). This form should NOT be used to report immediate threats. For emergency assistance, please call 911.


1972年的教育修正案第九条保护人们免受基于性别的歧视 最靠谱的网赌软件接受联邦财政援助的教育项目或活动中的性. 第九条规定:“在美国,任何人不得因性别而被排除在外 从参与,被剥夺的利益,或受到歧视 接受联邦财政援助的任何教育项目或活动.”

基于性别的歧视,包括基于怀孕、分娩的歧视, 假怀孕,终止妊娠,或从这些情况中恢复. 联邦第九条规定还禁止学校适用任何与此相关的规定 学生的父母、家庭或婚姻状况对学生的区别对待 基于他们的性别.

十大正规网赌软件致力于提供一个工作场所和教育环境,以及 其他不受歧视、骚扰的福利、项目和活动; 和报复. To ensure compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and 法规,并申明其致力于促进公平与公平的目标 在教育计划或活动的各个方面,十大正规网赌软件都制定了内部 为这些人提供迅速、公平和公正的程序的政策和程序 在受保护的基础上被指控歧视或骚扰 class status, and for allegations of retaliation. 十大正规网赌软件 values and upholds the equal 尊重其社区所有成员的尊严,并努力平衡各方的权利 在申诉过程中,对于所有相关人员来说,这通常是一个困难的时期.


新墨西哥初级学院不容忍并明确禁止约会暴力, 家庭暴力,跟踪,性侵犯,性剥削,性骚扰, 在所有学院赞助的活动中发生性虐待或性别歧视, 事件和/或程序.

What Can You Do 最靠谱的网赌软件 Sexual Violence?

十大正规网赌软件致力于维持一个积极的学习、工作和生活环境 绝不容忍性骚扰、性暴力或相关报复行为 against or by any employee or student. When sexual harassment or sexual violence has 发生并提请第九条官员注意,十大正规网赌软件将采取措施 终止骚扰或暴力,防止其再次发生并处理其影响.


大学是个人成长、学习和寻找新机会的地方,但事实并非如此 absent from certain 危险s. You don’t need to be overly concerned, but you should 你是否尽力对周围的环境和任何不寻常的事情保持警惕.

If you see or hear these things, tell someone in authority immediately:

  • Harassment, threats, or bullying, online or in-person
  • “Hate speech” or threats made online or in-person
  • Domestic or intimate partner abuse or violence
  • Comments from a student about harming self or others
  • Someone acting suspiciously or carrying a weapon


不要做旁观者!  Students are often the first to become aware of problems on 校园. 然而,由于一种叫做“旁观者效应”的社会现象,有时 problems are not addressed.  The bystander effect happens when the presence of others (在一个群体中)不鼓励个人干预一个情况 有紧急情况. Researchers Bibb Latane and John Darley argued that it is the 因为我相信别人会这么做,所以我不需要这么做,这很复杂 受社会影响(我们的行为受到周围人的影响).

  • Stay alert – Don’t wear earbuds or headphones while walking! 你可能听不到别人的声音 在你后面.
  • Walk in high-traffic, well-lit areas at night.
  • Request an escort when feeling unsafe.
  • Keep your car and dorm apartments and windows closed and locked.
  • Don’t let strangers into housing facilities and do not prop doors.
  • 不要把你的身份证借给别人.
  • 参加自卫课程.
  • In the event of a crisis, don’t panic. Run if possible, hide if you can’t run, and 如果躲不起来,就战斗吧.


降低你的风险:大多数性侵犯涉及到彼此认识的人——而且是彼此认识的人 using alcohol and/or other drugs. Staying sober is your best defense against sexual 攻击.

很难知道做爱后该做什么,感觉如何,或者你的选择是什么 攻击. Please know that you’re not alone. Below are some things to keep in mind. If you are in immediate 危险 or seriously injured, call 911.

去一个安全的地方. Get to a location where you can call for help, preferably a safe place where you are not alone. Consider reaching out to someone you trust or call 911.

拨打危机热线(575)226-7263,与受过训练的受害者倡导者交谈. 律师会引导你完成接下来的步骤,并帮助你做出明智的决定 decision based on your wishes and consent for care.

寻求医疗救助. Even if you do not want to report the 攻击 immediately, still consider having a physical exam. Survivors may or may not have physical injuries 最好是由训练有素的医疗专业人员进行评估. 它是 这对确定性传播感染和怀孕的风险以及采取预防措施很重要 药物. 法医证据可以收集和储存,以防你决定报案 在以后的日子.

Seek free, confidential counseling. 十大正规网赌软件 counselors are here to help you. 他们是 位于本亚历山大大楼,或者你可以拨打(575)492-2577与十大正规网赌软件交谈 counselor on the phone or to make an appointment. 他们是 here to help, and can refer you to additional resources if needed. It's never too late to call; many survivors do not realize they need counseling help until months or years later.

Report to 校园 authorities. Even if you do not wish to file a formal complaint, 校园管理部门可以提供与临时措施相关的帮助和指导 for your safety and well-being. Survivors are not required to file a crime report, 但我们鼓励这样做,校园管理部门将协助通知 law enforcement, if they choose. Regardless of whether a survivor opts to file a crime 如果幸存者提出要求,将提供报告、临时或保护性措施 and if they are reasonably available.


  • Public Safety 24-hour Line (575)399-2033
  • 第九条 Coordinator (575)492-2761
  • Housing 24-hour on-call line (575)399-4681
  • 咨询(575)492 - 2577
  • 金融援助 (575) 492-2561
  • Veteran’s and international students (575) 392-5112



  • 警察/紧急情况- 911
  • Guidance Center of Lea County (575)393-3168
  • ARISE 24/7 Crisis Hotline (575)226-7263
  • RAINN 24/7 Get Help Line (800)656-4673


如果你是性暴力犯罪的目击者,你应该报告这一事件 去找校园保安或当地警察,或者找负责学生服务的副校长 (第九条 Coordinator),他可以在适当的时候帮助你进一步报告.

在所有案件中,投诉人和被投诉人都能得到迅速、公平和公正的待遇 正当程序,包括有机会有一个顾问/支持人员在场 any hearings and access to free, confidential counseling services.

说点什么. 侧耳倾听. Show that you care and are willing to listen.

不要强迫这个问题,而是允许对方按照他/她自己的节奏向你倾诉. 永远不要因为发生的事情而责怪别人,也不要低估他/她对潜力的恐惧 危险. Focus on supporting the individual’s right to make his/her own decisions.

Guide survivors to 校园 and community resources. Let him/her know they are not alone and people are available to help. Encourage him/her to seek sexual violence advocates 并向他们保证,在大多数情况下,信息将被保密.

不要评判受害者. Tell the person that you are sorry that they have been hurt. 无论他/她在被侵犯之前的行为如何,没有人应该被侵犯.

找到你自己的支持. You cannot support someone else if you are not supported, however do not try to receive that support from the survivor.

1 in 3 women—and 1 in 4 men—have been in abusive relationships. 男女之间的女人 ages of 18 - 24 are most commonly abused by an intimate partner - NCADV.

十大正规网赌软件是第九条管理人员协会的成员,并参与 他们提供的培训. Information related to training can be found at: